Walnut Creek Pickleball Club
Rudgear Park, 2261 Dapplegray Lane
Walnut Creek, California
By clicking on Members Directory, you have requested the access to the WCPC membership database. Access to the member's database is by permission only because in addition to the names of the WCPC members, the database contains home addresses, phone numbers and emails of each member. We strive to maintain the privacy of the WCPC membership.
If you are a returning member whose membership has been approved by the WCPC Board of Directors click on LOG IN button below. The next page will ask you to enter your credentials. After entering your email and password, click on "Log In" next to "Already a member?" located at the bottom of the Sign Up page.
If this is your first time accessing the database, click on FIRST TIME SIGN UP below. On the next page you will be asked to enter your email and a password. Remember the password you are using. After entering your credentials, click on the button Sign Up located below the password field.
Signing up will automatically generate an email to the President of the WCPC Board of Directors who will approve your request if you are a member of WCPC in good standing. The approval by the Board will in turn generate a reply email informing you that you now have access to the Members Directory. Use the same email and password to log into the Members Directory.